CFES is an initiative of civil society organizations network that encourages multi-stakeholder co-operation to develop payment mechanism for environmental services as incentives for community forest managers who have succeeded in preventing deforestation and forest degradation, or succeeded in rehabilitating forest and damaged land.
Over time, CFES has succeeded in bridging forest communities in Indonesia to receive appreciation and commitment from national and international parties for sustainable and sustainable social forest management.
The Forest of Tugu Utara Village (HPD) is managed by the Puncak Lestari Forest Village Community Institution, assisted by GAIA and CFES. This location is an integral part of the landscape with the Telaga Warna Nature Reserve (CA) conservation area which is the headwaters of the Ciliwung River.
Location of activities in five forest communities (HKm) from two sub-districts in Central Lombok Regency. Non-timber forest products from agroforestry will be able to meet the subsistence needs of communities and for trade, reduce costs in nurseries, and also improve long-term livelihoods through planted MPTS and future voluntary carbon markets.
Location of activities in five forest communities (HKm) from two sub-districts in Central Lombok Regency. Non-timber forest products from agroforestry will be able to meet the subsistence needs of communities and for trade, reduce costs in nurseries, and also improve long-term livelihoods through planted MPTS and future voluntary carbon markets.
Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Gaia Eko Daya Buana (Gaia), Institution Conservation Society (ICS), Wahana Pelestarian dan Advokasi Hutan Sumatera (Walestra).