LPHD Telaga has obtained Village Forest Management Rights through Decree No. 1228/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/3/2018 with an area of ± 2,758 hectares (ha) in a limited production forest (HPT) area in Telaga Village, Kamipang District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The establishment of the Telaga LPHD is based on Telaga Village Regulation Number 4 of 2017 and houses fifteen (15) members, and already has seven (7) Social Forestry Business Groups.
Currently, LPHD Telaga has collaborated with Community Forest Ecosystem Forest (CFES) through the support of Wilmar International Ltd’s Remediation and Compensation Procedure (RaCP) with the following objectives.
FPIC and Kick off Meeting
The collaboration between LPHD Telaga and CFES has been initiated since December 2021 starting with free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) to provide detailed information about the program to the community and a statement of willingness from the community to cooperate. As a follow-up, CFES and LPHD held a kick off meeting in January 2022 as a marker for the program to be carried out in the Telaga Village Forest.
LPHD Telaga has also discussed internally the cooperation plan with CFES and carried out a series of consultations with the Kamipang Sub-district, KPHP Unit XXX Katingan Hilir and BPSKL Kalimantan Region. This means that the process towards establishing cooperation between LPHD and CFES also involves the role of stakeholders from elements of the Regional Government and the Central Government. Finally, the signing of the cooperation between the Telaga LPHD and CFES can be carried out on March 21, 2022 and also witnessed by The Head of Telaga Village, Board of Village Consultative of Telaga, Customary Heads, and KPHP Unit XXX Katingan Hulu employees.
The collaboration between LPHD Telaga and CFES through the support of RaCP Wilmar will run for eight (8) years. Thus, Telaga LPHD can accelerate the implementation of the Village Forest Management Plan (RPHD) including optimizing the activities of the seven Social Forestry Business Groups (environmental services, non-timber forest products, timber forest products, agroforestry, fisheries, ecotourism and swallows), which is expected to improve the welfare of Telaga villagers and be a good example of community-based forest management that produces multiple benefits.