The project potential location is in Sebadak Raya Village, Nanga Tayap District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province with an area of 2425 hectares. Licensing with the Designation of a Work Area (SK.495 / Menhut-II / 2011) on the Status of the Area is Production Forest Zone. The Project Plan is a deforestation prevention intervention; improvement of community welfare.
This village forest has potential impacts on the protection of orangutans, sun bears, Shorea sp. Increasing the welfare of 700 community heads of household. The permit has been obtained for 35 years and can be extended (long-lasting), conservation activities by the community have been started by the LPHD and support from other NGOs (additionality), planning activities are carried out in a participatory manner by the community (equitable), draft project design documents to be validated by Plan Vivo has started to be compiled (knowledge-based).
Partner : Fauna & Flora International (