Rio Kemunyang Village Forest institution (LPHD) is a village institution that holds village forest (HD) management permit since 2013 for an area of 4,484 hectares located in Durian Rambun Village, Muara Siau Sub-district, Merangin District, Jambi Province.
HD Rio Kemunyang was facilitated by Fauna & Flora International, a member of CFES. It covers secondary dryland forest, borders the Kerinci Seblat National Park which is habitat of many protected and endangered species, including Sumatran Tiger and Sunda pangolin.
Activities in HD Rio Kemunyang are:
(1) Protection of biodiversity through patrols and forest monitoring using Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART),
(2) Forest rehabilitation which includes producing forestry plant and fruit seeds (particularly protected tree species), planting and maintenance,
(3) Improving community livelihoods through sustainable agriculture and payment for ecosystem services.
Currently, a 5 years support has been secured from an oil & gas company (PT MRPR) to support community-based conservation actions. In addition, HD Rio Kemunyang has also verified carbon credits that can be used to offset emissions from net emitter institution.