Berita Duka Cita
Telah berpulang keluarga kami,
Ir. Arif Aliadi bin Moetolo
Direktur Community Forest Ecosystem Services (CFES)
Pada hari Minggu, 18 Agustus 2024,
Pukul 13.35 WIB.
Semoga amal ibadah almarhum diterima di sisi Allah SWT, dilapangkan kuburnya, dan diterangkan kuburnya,
Terima kasih atas segala kebaikan dan ilmu bagi kami semua, dan juga segala usaha yang diberikan untuk keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup Indonesia.
Salam Hormat,
Community Forest Ecosystem Services.
In loving memory of
Ir. Arif Aliadi bin Moertolo
Director of Community Forest Ecosystem Services (CFES)
On Sunday, August 18th 2024,
At 13.35 WIB.
May he now in a better and peaceful place. May Allah SWT grand him the gift he deserves over his goodness in life.
Thank you for all the kindness and knowledge for all of us, and also all the efforts given for the sustainability of the Indonesian environment.
With appreciation,
Community Forest Ecosystem Services.